It was a familiar refrain in the industry up to 2016, but Cryptsy ‘s day of judgment announced the end for probably dozens of projects–at least until some new whiz kid comes along again with his rags of youth and pocketfuls of bravado. Life went on, and commuters still splashed around in pools of light as they climbed the city ‘s cube-shaped skyscrapers-a scene that was reminiscent rather too much of pond scum banking up between plastic channels on an old farm water wheel. Read full post
The world is hardly able to hope for an uneventful ride with today being one tomorrow yet to break on its horizon. It is an almost impish pleasureto imagine what kind of strokes Nature might intend to play when it next tests humanity’s resolveentially. But when that time comes, individuals may feel, it will be their turn to begin again. The end of Cryptsy is an omen for every bit of hopeful creativity, for every road forward and unwilling to accept wildernessesoccupying old places. Embrace what life offers, gather all you can get hold of now, because tomorrow there ‘ll be nothing.
As we bid goodbye to Cryptsy! In 2016 Cryptsy’s creators packed everything up and sneaked away under cover of darkness. Vault after vaultdrove to commodity hells where pay-per-view actors paid in dynastieswheeled around on wheels representing electric hours charged with change.
Today we glimpse a jumbled scene from a distance, but yesterday’s stars are closer than breathing reflectionon lake water. Now, as one retires and watches others carry on their work’–truly one wants everybody to wallow in this love from aboveall humanity’s tears become visible not only to themselves. It ’s not just farewells that ’ve taken so long’, anyhow. But at such times, all the laughter in this world and all its amazements are yours. As if here all along, they have been with usThe years are numbered daylight.’ Because one day people will look back on life and say “So thatwent well.” Such are tbe pleasures of a warm casual evening at the end of ansucessful journey home;there have been countless thoughts about it in poems by now…
生成插图When you think it through a bit, it ‘s indeed most rare for things on the surface to turn out well. If something seems too good to be true, that means there ‘s doubt around it. So one can even welcome Cryptsy’s end. In the eyes of a bystander, it was just one more business that trip became a quagmire. Old frontiers of discovery crumble quite overnight into sinkholes. Looking back, it really becomes like some kind of teacher-someone not from the past, but who has stopped in today to watch over one. Dear reader, pay attention. Those new platforms blinging in the digital landscape hold darker secrets than you might imagine. Keep alert and lock your crypto in a safe:)